Entrepreneur Discovery Procedure

The Andalusian Innovation Strategy 2020 (RIS3 Andalusia) has been prepared in coordination and coherence with the Andalusian ERDF Operational Program, in addition to the Andalusian Economic Plan 2014-2020 (Agenda for Employment and Strategy for Competitiveness), the Strategy for the Internationalization of the Andalusian Economy, the Industrial Strategy of Andalusia 2020, and the rest of regional planning instruments that are elaborated at the level of the different sectoral policies.

Entrepreneurial Discovery Process, central element of the Strategy

The work carried out in Andalusia has followed the phases foreseen in the methodology established in the RIS3 Guide of the European Commission , beginning with a process of Analysis and preparation of a SWOT of the Innovation System and continuing, with the contribution of all the agents involved, with the Entrepreneur Discovery process, an instrument that allowed the identification of areas of opportunity for specialization in Andalusia to emerge from the work of the experts.

For this purpose, various Entrepreneurial Discovery Workshops were organized, which were configured as areas of reflection and debate in which the experts, with the support of specialists, identified and justified the opportunities for specialization, highlighting their regional context, the possible existing barriers and the global competition they face, finally proposing possible action measures. Each Workshop was closed with a quantified evaluation process of all the proposals worked on.

Following the methodology designed by the Technical Secretariat, the results of the Workshops were completed with a desk work for the in-depth study of each of the proposals made. These proposals were documented, incorporating the appropriate technical and statistical support, analyzing their relationship with the priorities established in Horizon 2020.

For this stage of the process, there was the collaboration of specialists expressly summoned on each working environment, with the support of the central Administration through the FECYT, within the framework of the R + D + I NETWORK, and with the Strategy Technical Team . All this work was reflected in the document “Catalog of Specialization Opportunities of Andalusia”.

The RIS3Andalucía Strategy thus relies on the opinions and vision of a Group of Experts. The experts are businessmen, entrepreneurs and academics, protagonists of RIS3 Andalusia who participate in the identification of opportunities and priorities for smart specialization. Together they have managed to implement the central objective of the Strategy, to make possible the process of incorporating “entrepreneurial discovery” into it.

The actors of the quadruple helix have enriched it with their vision on the specific areas in which they have specialized knowledge in the framework of Governance, participating in the initial Workshops, Working Groups, Conferences, Peer Review, working on European projects joining to the thematic platforms during the term of the Strategy, adding their contributions to a common process and objectives.