La especialización inteligente, aplicada a una región, se fundamenta en definir prioridades para crear ventajas competitivas mediante el desarrollo y adecuación de puntos fuertes de la investigación y la innovación a las necesidades empresariales.
Consulte toda la información y datos generados en las etapas de Seguimiento y Evaluación de RIS3Andalucía.
Toda la actualidad, agenda y eventos relacionados con RIS3Andalucía y S4Andalucía. ¡Consúltelos!
Mi�rcoles 14 Septiembre 2022 09:00h
The Blue Innovation forum will gather Mediterranean and Atlantic stakeholders to support and consolidate the Mediterranean (Bluebiomed) and Atlantic (Atlazul) Innovation Alliances for sustainable blue growth and bioeconomy.
The main objective is that forum contributes to build transnational bridges, coordinate policies and reinforce cooperation and innovation actions between the MED Innovation Alliance for blue bioeconomy sustainable development and the Coastal Atlantic alliance for blue growth Atlazul, alliances supporting and promoting regional policies and innovation actors.
The Blue Innovation forum will gather Mediterranean and Atlantic stakeholders to support and consolidate the Mediterranean (Bluebiomed) and Atlantic (Atlazul) Innovation Alliances for sustainable blue growth and bioeconomy.
The main objective is that forum contributes to build transnational bridges, coordinate policies and reinforce cooperation and innovation actions between the MED Innovation Alliance for blue bioeconomy sustainable development and the Coastal Atlantic alliance for blue growth Atlazul, alliances supporting and promoting regional policies and innovation actors.